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Fire Detectors and Alarm Systems

Types of Fire Detectors

Electric and manual detectors function by detecting smoke or heat:

  • Electric Detectors: Detect smoke or heat automatically.
  • Manual Detectors: Activated by shouting "FIRE" or ringing a bell.

Testing and Maintenance

Weekly testing and common issues:

  • Weekly Testing: Ensure detectors are operational.
  • Misuse Cases: Address common issues with detector functionality.

Alarm Systems

Automatic and manual alarm systems:

  • Automatic Systems: Sound alarms, activate EMS, or trigger sprinklers.
  • Manual Systems: Activate by manual actions like ringing bells.
  • Zoning: Alarms are zoned for pinpointing fire sources from control panels.

Fire Drill Practices

Importance of regular fire drill sessions:

  • Frequency: Ideally conducted at least twice a year, more in high-risk areas.
  • Unannounced Drills: Effective practice includes unannounced drills to assess readiness.
  • Evacuation Target: Aim to evacuate in less than 4 minutes for maximum safety.

Effective Communication with EMS

Role of nominated persons and communication protocols:

  • Nominated Person: Designated to call EMS with precise building details and situation.
  • Visitor Safety: Ensure visitors are guided to safe assembly points during evacuations.